How to write the best ebook possible


In order to make this post relevant, I need you to go to each successful blogger you know, and observe them. Take a look at their blogs; go through each and every detail.

Now take a look at the rest of millions of blogs out there, again, go through each and every detail.

Which is the most important difference you see? What those pro bloggers all have in common? That’s right, an email list.

Having an email list is the difference between really succeed or not to, but today, I won’t talk about how to build an email list –that will be on future posts-

The most common method used to get sign ups is to give away a free ebook, that’s what I’m writing about today, to share my tips about how to put together the best ebook possible.

#1 Don’t be greedy. Make it free first so you can sell after

A big mistake new bloggers commit is to try to sell too early. Writing an ebook and put a price on it just when starting is a big mistake because:

1-      You won’t sell

2-      It will make you look greedy

First, focus on getting the traffic, on building your credibility and reputation, then go for the sale. Don’t make the big mistake.

Giving away your work for free may sound silly to some, but the truth is you’re exchanging it and adding one email to your email list, which value will be hundreds of time higher than a $30 ebook.

#2 Make it unique

With millions of blogs out there and hundreds of thousands of ebooks too, it’s critical for you to build a unique ebook.

Not only you need to add your personal touch and spin on it, but you’ll have to share unique information too, as that’s what people will want to read.

You may want to try:

-          Exclusive interviews: You can ask for the most famous bloggers on your niche if they would be kind enough to concede you an interview. There’s no better way to provide unique information than that, as not only you share fresh content, but when it comes to advertising your ebook, you’ll grab readers’ attention easier if you offer interviews with successful bloggers on the niche. Guaranteed.


-          Have you achieved something? Share it too! As an example: I’ve added screenshots from my PayPal account on my free ebooks because it’s a good way to show you I know what I’m talking about. I mean, how could I start a blog about teaching blog tips if I would never succeeded online?

To prove I know what I’m doing, I’ve shared those.Have a blog about losing fat? Have you lost fat by applying your tips? Then upload some photos from before and after. The same goes with acne niches and so on.

That will also make you stand out from the rest.

#3 Make a nice cover

The cover is also an important factor, although not as important as the content itself, obviously, but as it’s always about grabbing eye’s attention, you should take your time too to get a nice cover that clearly describes what your ebook provides.

A brief description in the cover is highly recommended.

4#Get it well structured

Your ebook can’t start by giving away tips, then in the middle of it provide personal information, then go on with tips and finish it again with some old personal stories.

It must be well structured to make it easier to read. A topic must engage with the next topic, so your readers will want to know what’s next even before finishing the chapter.

It’s not about being Agatha Christie here, it’s all about giving sense to it.

#5 Do it now, not later, not tomorrow

Ok I must say I’ve made this mistake. To write the ebook I’m giving away at EBT, I took months. Really, months. And I’m not talking about months writing it, but months to get myself in to it, to take action.

That’s really a big mistake because I actually delayed the blog launch, hence, I lost my time, and there’s nothing worse than losing time.

There’re more ways to build your email list –we’ll get into it soon- but writing a free ebook is the easiest way to do it.

If you haven’t written an ebook yet, you have now no reasons to not to do it.

Thank you all for reading.

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